Monday, 19 September 2011

I walk down another street.

To the frustration of my husband, I spent the first year of our marriage attempting to be an 'artist', which at the time was an undefined term with an equally vague work load and in the end I lost confidence in myself, wore through a great deal of Kyle's patience and met with very little success.

They say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again hoping for different results. Crazy is one of the many things that I have been accused of being, but no more! (I'll probably always be crazy in some regard, but hopefully just not this definition of it.)

The tragedy frustration of my situation (as I see it) is that I have been taught the skills and habits of success from many different people through the years and simply failed to apply them to my own situation ... and so failed to succeed.
So this is me, walking down another street, hopefully learning from the mistakes I made previously so that that time is not entirely wasted.

When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported the rate of improvement accelerates.
- President Thomas S Monson 
I learned this principle as a missionary in Taiwan a few years ago, and have been reminded of it many times since then. I have started so many blogs driven by good intentions, but this one will be my way of sharing my goals with you, my progress, and best of all, the joy that comes from achieving even the smallest of goals. Kyle has every right to say 'I told you so' when this works, which I hope it does, because he quoted this to me when I was reluctant to share my goals with him for fear of not meeting them.

And first up?

Next month, new store, all new stock. Exciting!! 

There is a lot of work to do between here and there so I will keep you updated. 


  1. exciting!! Can't wait to see what you have created this time.
